Theater education projects have been an essential element of the program at the Bavarian Academy of Dramatic Arts since 2001. Besides courses and workshops for adults concentrating on improvisation, body language or enunciation, for example, theater courses for children and adolescents have also been offered continuously. And the Bavarian Academy of Dramatic Arts regularly undertakes external projects.
With the open courses and the Children’s Acting School, the Bavarian Academy of Dramatic Arts puts into practice its concept of an open academy in the service of all residents of Regensburg.

Children’s Acting School
The Children’s Acting School offers children aged 5 and above the opportunity to experience and discover the world of the theater in a continuous way through play. Movement, musicality and creative skills are nurtured, while emphasis is placed on dramatic performance. These children receive a generalized creative education in self-expression which promotes personality development. Besides the joy of theatrical performance, the children have freedom to explore in play.
Through play, the children are taught personal responsibility and self-discipline, they can test their limits, and of course demonstrate their creativity.
Each course is guided by an age-appropriate theme and includes for example improvisation and role-playing, pantomime, music and dance. The number of places available on the children’s courses is limited.
Children’s Acting School 2022/23
At the moment, no dates have been decided
Drama clubs for adolescents and adults
The Bavarian Academy of Dramatic Arts offers several different Drama Clubs for adolescents and adults. These courses are led by the students on the Theater Education course at the academy. They are typically in their graduation year and complete their studies for qualification as Theater Educators after the end of the course.
Course participants meet every week in the period from October to April/May and work with the course instructors to develop a project which is staged publicly in the Academy Theater at the end of the course.
Some courses are organized by age group (e.g., ("ADK Youth Club", "ADK Goldies"), others involve participants from all generations ("ADK Allstars").
The ADK Youth Club 2022/23
The Drama Club for young adults and adolescents (aged 15-25) will begin in October 2022
Please send early registrations indicating your
- First and last names
- Date of birth
- Address
- Telephone number
by email to: anmeldung(at)adk-bayern.com
Overall responsibility for running the Drama Club in 2022/23 will be assumed by Franziska Kühnle

ADK Allstars-Spielclub „Vergissmeinnicht“
„Glücklich ist, wer vergisst, was doch nicht zu ändern ist.“
[die Fledermaus, Johann Strauß] Und wenn du mich einmal vergessen wirst?
Und wenn du dich verändern wirst?
„Ich habe vergessen, meine Hausaufgaben zu machen.“
„Ich habe vergessen, Klopapier zu kaufen.“
„Ich habe vergessen, dass ich eine Tochter habe, dass ich eine Mutter bin.“
Dieser Spielclub wird sich mit der Thematik „Vergessen“, konkreter „Demenz“ auseinandersetzen.
Welche Rolle spielt das Vergessen in unserer Gesellschaft – in unserem Leben?
Wie fühlt es sich an, zu vergessen oder vergessen zu werden?
Was will ich vergessen und welche Momente sollen für immer in meinen Gedanken konserviert werden oder in den Gedanken anderer weiterleben?
Was wäre, wenn genau das ginge? - Gedanken konservieren...
Das Ensemble (aus max. 15 TN) wird in diesem Jahr generationsübergreifend aufgestellt. Kindern, jungen Erwachsenen und Rentner*innen werden gemeinsam ihre Lebensweltrealitäten, ihre Gedanken und Erinnerungen und neu Wiederentdecktes, längst vergessen Geglaubtes miteinander teilen und daraus ein Stück übers Vergessen und Erinnern entwickeln.
Leitung des Spielclubs: Patricia Woitaske

Start: Ende April 2025
Die ADK Goldies gehen wieder an den Start!
Wir proben eine bunte Revue über die 1950ger bis 1970er Jahre!
Es gibt keine Altersbegrenzung nach oben oder unten,
es geht nicht um Richtig oder Falsch, um Können oder nicht Können. Der Spaß und das Miteinander stehen immer im Vordergrund. Wir suchen Texte, Szenen, Lieder und bauen uns unsere eigene Revue zusammmen. Wir suchen Kostüme und Requisiten, machen ein Plakat und ein Programmheft. Es gint viuel zu tun, egal ob auf oder hinter der Bühne! In jeder Lebensphase ist es möglich, etwas Neues auszuprobieren!
Und nach der Probe trifft man sich zum Austausch im Café um die Ecke, gemeinsam sein ist schön!!!
Der Kurs findet voraussichtlich ab 30. April 2025 immer Dienstags von 14-16 Uhr statt.
Leitung des Spielclubs ADK GOLDIES: Meike Fabian & Elmar Cichy
Anmeldungen bitte per Mail unter Angabe von
- Name und Vorname
- Geburtsdatum
- Anschrift
- Telefonnummer
an: offenekurse(at)adk-bayern.com
Die Anmeldungen werden in der Reihenfolge des Eingangs berücksichtigt.
The fine print
General Terms of Business
1. The number of participants in the events is limited. Written registration is essential for participation. Registrations will be accepted without a form by mail, by email, by submitting an online registration form or by fax. All registrations will be processed in the order in which they are received.
2. Registrations are submitted for a course, a production or a workshop, valid for the duration of one course in each case. The costs thereof are payable not later than seven days before the start of the event or a direct debit authorization must have been received.
3. If the applicant withdraws their registration more than seven days before the start of the event, an administration fee of 20% of the fee for the event will be retained. Withdrawal after this time is not possible.
4. The Bavarian Academy of Dramatic Arts reserves the right to exclude participants who significantly disrupt teaching activities from courses, productions and workshop.
5. The Bavarian Academy of Dramatic Arts explicitly recommends that participants take out a personal accident insurance policy.
6. If the minimum number of participants is not reached, or if the instructor is unable to perform their duties for any reason for which the Bavarian Academy of Dramatic Arts is not responsible, the Bavarian Academy of Dramatic Arts may cancel the respective event. Any course fees received will then be refunded. The Bavarian Academy of Dramatic Arts shall not be held liable for any other claims.
7. The scope of services of the Open Courses and the Children’s Acting School offered by the Bavarian Academy of Dramatic Arts are listed in the event description in the program brochure and on the academy website at:
Meals and overnight accommodation are generally not included in the scope of services provided by the Bavarian Academy of Dramatic Arts.
8. If a provision in these Terms of Business should be or become legally unenforceable, the validity of the other provisions shall be unaffected thereby.
9. We refer explicitly to our data protection declaration.