Legal notice
Akademie für Darstellende Kunst Bayern gemeinnützige GmbH
(Bavarian Academy of Dramatic Arts non-profit, limited liability company)
Private Fachakademie für Schauspiel, Regie und Theaterpädagogik Regensburg
(Private Specialist Academy for Acting, Stage Direction and Theater Education, Regensburg)
Physical and postal address:
Akademie für Darstellende Kunst Bayern
Private Fachakademie für Schauspiel, Regie und Theaterpädgogik Regensburg
Kreuzgasse 5
93047 Regensburg
Phone: +49 941 / 586544-2
Fax: +49 941 / 586544-3
Email Artistic Operations Office: kbb(at)
Full names of authorized representatives:
Elmar Cichy and Meike Fabian
VAT ID according to § 27a Umsatzsteuergesetz (Value Added Tax Act):
DE 30 92 22 26 6
Responsible for content
Elmar Cichy and Meike Fabian (for address see above)
Webpages identified by name reflect the opinions and knowledge of the named persons.
Conditions of use
Text, images, graphics and the design of these web pages may be subject to copyright.
The following are not copyright protected according to § 5 of the Act on Copyright (UrhG)
- Laws, ordinances, official decrees and notices as well as decisions and official grounds of decisions and
- other official works published in the official interest for public information, with the condition that the provisions of § 62 (1) to (3) and § 63(1) and (2) UrhG concerning prohibited alterations and acknowledgment of sources shall apply mutatis mutandis.
As a private individual you are authorized to use copyright protected material for personal and other private purposes within the limits of § 53 UrhG. Reproduction or use of copyright protected material or parts thereof from these webpages in other electronic or printed publications is only permitted with our consent. Such consent may be granted upon request by the persons responsible for the content. Reprinting and reuse of press releases and public statements are generally permitted provided they are accompanied by source references.
Text, images, graphics and other files may also be protected in whole or in part by third party copyrights. The persons responsible for the content will also inform you about the existence of possible copyrights belonging to third parties.
Exclusion of liability
We have compiled and verified all information provided on this website to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, we cannot assume liability or furnish a guarantee that the information is up-to-date, correct and complete at any given time, nor that it will be constantly available. Under no circumstances do we enter into a contractual relationship with the users of the internet offering.
We will not be liable for any damages arising from use of this internet offering. This exclusion of liability shall be waived if the provisions of § 839 of the German Civil Code (BGB) are applicable (Liability for Breach of Official Duty). We will not be liable for any damages caused by harmful software or installing or using software when accessing or downloading data.
If unavoidable in exceptional cases: This exclusion of liability may be waived for information that falls within the scope of application of the European Directive on Services in the Internal Market (Directive 2006/123/EC). We guarantee that this information will remain accurate and up-to-date.
A distinction must be made between our own contents and cross references ("links") to the websites of other providers. Through these links we merely enable visitors to access third-party content in accordance with § 8 of the Telemediengesetz (Telemedia Act). When links to these internet offerings were set up for the first time, we reviewed the third party content to ascertain whether they would entail responsibility under civil or criminal law. However, we cannot monitor these contents for changes continuously, and we therefore accept no liability therefor. For illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents, and particularly for damages arising from use or failure to use information by third parties, sole liability lies with the respective provider of the site.
Responsible body for the private Fachakademie für Schauspiel, Regie und Theaterpädagogik Regensburg
(Specialist Academy for Acting, Stage Direction and Theater Education, Regensburg)
Akademie für Darstellende Kunst Bayern gemeinnützige GmbH
(Bavarian Academy of Dramatic Arts non-profit, limited liability company)
Registry in the Commercial Register of Regensburg District Court
HRB 8421
Managing Directors: Elmar Cichy, Meike Fabian
The private Fachakademie für Schauspiel, Regie und Theaterpädagogik Regensburg (Private Specialist Academy for Acting, Stage Direction and Theater Education, Regensburg) is state-accredited as an substitute school by the government of the Upper Palatinate district and is recognized for purposes of BAföG (Federal Training Assistance Act, a German federal law governing financial support for education for which students can apply individually). The four-year, full-time training courses lead to a professional qualification degree / stage maturity degree.
Graduation from the Acting course is equivalent to a unsiversity (Bachelor's) degree.
The European Commission provides a platform for online out-of-court dispute resolution, accessible with Our email address is
We are not willing to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a dispute settlement body, and we are not obliged to do so.
Design and Layout
BÜRO WILHELM. Designagentur & Verlag
English internet presence translated by
P&P - Übersetzungsservice
José Luis Luque Cuadrado